S.NoName of DepartmentWebsite
1 Department of General Administration https://gad.mp.gov.in/
2 Home Department http://www.home.mp.gov.in/
3 Jail Department https://jail.mp.gov.in/hi
4 Finance Department http://www.finance.mp.gov.in
5 Commercial Tax Department https://mptax.mp.gov.in/mpvatweb/
6 Revenue Department https://revenue.mp.gov.in/
7 Transport Department http://www.mptransport.org/
8 Sports and Youth Welfare Department http://dsywmp.gov.in/
9 Forest Department http://www.mpforest.gov.in
10 Industrial Policy and Investment Promotion Department http://www.mpindustry.gov.in
11 Mineral Resources Department http://www.mineralresources.mp.gov.in/
12 Energy Department http://energy.mp.gov.in/hi
13 Farmers Welfare and Agricultural Development http://mpkrishi.mp.gov.in
14 Cooperative Department http://www.cooperatives.mp.gov.in/
15 Labour Department http://www.labour.mp.gov.in/
16 Public Health and Medical Education Department http://www.health.mp.gov.in/
17 Urban Development and Housing http://www.mpurban.gov.in
18 Public Work Department http://www.mppwd.gov.in/
19 School Education http://educationportal.mp.gov.in/
20 Law and Legislative Affairs Department http://www.law.mp.gov.in/hi
21 Panchayat and Rural Development http://mppanchayatdarpan.gov.in/
22 Planning, Economic and Statistics http://des.mp.gov.in/
23 Public Relation http://www.mpinfo.org
24 Tribal Welfare Department https://www.tribal.mp.gov.in
25 Department of Social Justice and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities http://socialjustice.mp.gov.in
26 Narmada Valley Development http://www.mpsdc.gov.in/nvda
27 Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection http://www.food.mp.gov.in/
28 Culture http://www.culturemp.in/
29 Water Resources http://www.mpwrd.gov.in/
30 Tourism http://www.mptourism.com
31 Public Health Engineering http://www.mpphed.gov.in/
32 Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department http://www.mpdah.gov.in
33 Fisheries Welfare and Fisheries Development http://www.mpfisheries.gov.in
34 Higher Education http://highereducation.mp.gov.in
35 Science and Technology http://www.dst.mp.gov.in/
36 Department of Technical Education, Skill Development and Employment http://www.mptechedu.org
37 Aviation http://aviation.mp.gov.in/
38 Bhopal Gas Tragedy, Relief and Rehabilitation http://www.bgtrrdmp.mp.gov.in/
39 Parliamentary Affairs Department http://www.parliamentaryaffairs.mp.gov.in
40 Women and Child Development https://mpwcdmis.gov.in/
41 Cottage and Village Industries Department http://mpgramodyogglobal.gov.in/
42 Backward Classes and Minority Welfare Department http://www.bcwelfare.mp.nic.in/
43 Department Of Overseas Indians https://friendsofmp.gov.in
44 Horticulture and Food Processing Department http://www.mphorticulture.gov.in
45 Ayush Department http://ayush.mp.gov.in/
46 New and Renewable Energy http://www.mpnred.in
47 Public Service Management http://www.lokseva.gov.in
48 Welfare of Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes http://www.vimuktghumakkad.mp.gov.in/
49 Scheduled Caste Welfare http://scdevelopmentmp.nic.in/
50 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises http://www.mpmsme.gov.in
51 Environment Department http://www.mphed.nic.in/
52 Public Assets Management Department http://pam.mp.gov.in/
53 Anand Department https://www.anandsansthanmp.in
54 Religious Trusts And Endowment Department https://dharmasva.mp.gov.in